Microblading FAQ

  • Microblading (also referred to as Microstroking, Eyebrow Embroidery, Feather Stroke Brows, 3D Brows,  micropigmentation, etc) is the process of manually implanting color pigment into the top layer of skin (between the dermis and epidermis, not as deep as a regular tattoo), by means of tiny, sterile, disposable needles to produce the appearance of hair strokes.

  • Most definitely NOT! Please do not tweeze, thread, wax or modify your eyebrows as long as possible, and no sooner than two weeks. The beginning of your service includes a brief consultation, followed by shaping and finally a discussion about color. Your regular brow maintenance of tweezing, threading, waxing and/or tinting may continue once the brows have healed.

  • The discomfort is relative as everyone has a different level of sensitivity. A pre-numbing anesthetic is applied for numbing before and during the procedure. Every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the duration of the procedure. Clients are usually pleased to pain is minimal to none and sometimes described as light cat scratches. Topical anesthetics used may contain lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine. 

  • You must be at least 18 years old to receive mircoblading at Elle Beauty Co.

  • As a precaution, I do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant or nursing women.

  • The healing time frame is about 7-14 day to completely heal over and flakes to naturally come off. The eyebrow area might be slightly red after the procedure and color will appear dark . This is normal for the procedure and part of the healing process (brows will be about 1 shade lighter from day 1 once healed). In the following days, the eyebrows will continue to darken and you will notice slight scabbing at day 3-5. Do not pick at the scabs as this may cause scar tissue to form and/or pigment to be lost. The eyebrows will lighten up a lot once scabs are gone. No down time is required after microblading procedure.  It takes approximately 7-14 days for the brows to heal over, and about 1 month for the color to fully set in. You'll notice the color is very light right after the two weeks after healing; the skin will have an opaque milky looking quality to it. This is due to the the tissue still healing from the inside out even though the surface of the skin is healed. True color will reveal itself once healed.

  • It is recommenDed to not work out for the first 10 days of healing or until scabbing has completely flaked off. If you are the type of person that needs to work out, I recommend a low intensity workout if you’re not an excessive sweater. Make sure you pat your microblading dry often if this is the case. However, to ensure best results, I recommend waiting to work out. NO swimming, saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, extra hot showers etc.

  • Prepare yourself. The healing journey can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but TRUST THE PROCESS!!

    Day 1: I LOVE MY NEWS BROWS! Your brows are fresh, perfect and brand new. Brows will still be a shade or two lighter and shrink 15-20% when healed.

    Day 2-4: "These are way too dark and thick. I’m gonna look online how to reverse the process, this is not what I signed up for" Your brows will actually get darker over this period of time, but don't freak out! They will lighten again.

    Day 5-8: During these days your brows may be flaking and scabbing off. Make sure to NOT pick or remove the scabs or you may inadvertently remove some of your pigment!

    Day 9-10: "My brows have completely fallen off!!" Your brows will appear like they are completely gone during this time, but don't worry - they will still be there! And this is also why it's important to have your touch up.

    Days 11-28: "My brows are coming back but they are patchy!" Your brows will appear to be patch and incomplete during this part of the healing process. Most of these patches will fill in over time but if for some reason some area doesn't take the touch up will help fill the gap so to speak.

    Day 42 (after touch up): "These are better than I could have ever imagined!!!"

    Trust me when I say that this is a real cycle.

    As you can see there are definitely lots of up's and down's that occur, and if you aren't ready for them they can definitely cause some stress.

    But don't worry, follow the aftercare instructions and you will optimize the desired outcome.

  • Microblading is a multiple step appointment process. At least two appointments are needed for most people initially. Appointments are always scheduled 6-8 weeks apart to ensure proper healing time. At your follow-up appointment, we will assess the color retention and make any adjustments necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. More than one follow up is rare, but at times needed to get a desired look. There are some factors that can possibly require a 3rd visit: coming from a different artist; skin type (oily); after-care, strong immune system; etc. If more touch-ups are needed after the follow up visit, fees will apply.

  • We take all proper precautions for a safe session by using sterilized equipment, new needles and in a sanitized environment.  Should clients follow our pre and post care instructions, there should be minimal risks or complications .  Although allergic reactions to the pigments are rare, it could be possible for certain individuals. We suggest a pigment patch test for individuals who have high skin sensitivities or are sensitive to:

    • Topical makeup products

    • Gold, silver and nickel

    • Hair dyes

    (Patch tests should be performed 5-7 days prior if you have any concerns about allergies or sensitivities.)


    It is important to keep your brows clean and avoid exposing your brows to bacteria with your hands or whatever you sleep on to avoid possible infection.

  • Age: Older skin might not retain pigment as well or might pull colors differently.

    Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Alcohol and certain medications which act as blood-thinners (including pain killers) should be avoided 48 hours prior to the appointment.

    Sun Exposure: The sun will lighted and soften the look of your tattoo. It may also change the color appearance of the pigment. A sunscreen should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement. It is encourage our clients to wear hat, whenever possible, to protect their beautiful brows!

    The choice of pigment color: Some colors may fade quicker than others, e.g. a blonde pigment may fade quicker than a dark brunette pigment.

    Lifestyle: smokers, frequent tanners, or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress (rosacea, acne, etc) may have less desirable results.

    If you are iron deficient or Anemic, your pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.

    Strong immune system: If one has a very strong immune system, their body might sometimes push the pigment out and heal at a very fast level not allowing the pigment to set and heal under the skin.

  • There are many cases where removal is needed before a new set of brows can be tattooed. However, if the previous tattoo has faded considerably, sometimes it is possible. We will have to use a combo or shading technique.

    One would have to send clear pictures in natural light (front facing & side angles) or have a consultation to establish if it is possible to proceed with booking an appointment. Email me with any questions ellebeautycompany.com.

  • This is a case-by-case decision and the above applies. I will have to take a look and see if the microblading is something I can work with. The {initial microblading + shading} cost will be charge for clients coming from other artists.

  • Your brows will appear darker and more intense than expected for the first week or so.  This will gradually lighten by about 1 shade, hair strokes will soften and shrink about 15% at the end of the healing process. Redness and swelling is minimal (can be more with sensitive skin clients) and will go down with time. You can anticipate your brows being bolder than normal the first few days after your procedure.

  • * The color will lighten over time. Annual touch ups are recommended to keep brows looking their best. Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency, and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure.

    * If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo. Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area. 

    * If you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area. Laser may cause pigment to turn black.